School Information
Synergy ParentVUE and StudentVUE
The ParentVUE app and website are indispensable tools to help your child have a successful year. You have real-time updates on your child’s grades, assignments, and attendance. Students go through growing pains of learning accountability for their schooling. Using this app or website can help ease some friction and keep you well informed. Also, each student has their own StudentVUE account to keep tabs on their grades on their own. Log into Synergy ParentVUE and StudentVUE here.
Excellence After-School Enrichment Program
Coffee County Schools' Excellence after-school enrichment program is a choice program that works to provide a safe, educationally enriching, fun, and rewarding experience for the students of the Excellence Program. Additionally, it is open to the eligible students in the surrounding community during the hours where there may be no adult supervision in the home.
Excellence After School Enrichment Program
Academic Supports
CCMS Homework Assignments
Parents and students can view the daily homework assignments from their team of teachers.
Excellence After School Enrichment Program
After-school tutoring and enrichment activities at CCMS.
Khan Academy
Free math support, tutorials, and extra practice.
Homework Hotline
Homework Hotline’s mission is to help Tennessee students in grades K-12 learn, understand and complete challenging assignments, and master new concepts through free one-on-one tutoring by phone and online chat.
Attendance Policy
The Coffee County School System believes attendance is essential for student achievement and success; therefore, students are expected and encouraged to be present each day school is in session.
Coffee County Schools’ Attendance Procedures
All absences must be covered with a parent, doctor or legal note.
Only 5 (five) days annually may be excused by parent note(s). The first 5 days a student misses that are not doctor or court excused will count as their 5 parent days whether we get a note or not.
All other excuses will be approved at the discretion of the administration.
The student must produce a written excuse stating the date(s) of absence, reason for being absent and signature of parent/guardian, physician, or court official upon returning to school. A parent note must also include a phone number at which the parent can be reached. Even though a parent may phone the school a written excuse must be sent to the school. Notes should be turned in within three days of returning from the absence. Students are expected to turn their note into the notes box located in the hallway outside the front office. Notes can be turned in up to the first week of the following month after the absence occurred.
If your child has an appointment during a school day, he/she will be expected to attend school until he/she must be checked out for the appointment and then return to school after the appointment. Students will not be excused for a full day unless the appointment necessitates a full day’s absence.
Any time away from the instructional day may count toward total absences, therefore, checking out early and signing in late (being tardy) accumulates and over time can amount to a full day’s absence or more. An excuse is required for this time away from class/school. After 3 (three) unexcused tardies/checkouts administrative action may be taken. No excuse will be accepted without the student's first and last legal name.
A student will have 3 (three) days to do makeup work for an excused absence. For absences of 3 (three) or more consecutive days, makeup time will be at the discretion of the teacher.
Cell Phone Policy
Coffee County Board of Education states:
Students may possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices so long as such devices are turned off and stored in backpacks, purses or personal carryalls. Such devices include, but are not limited to, wearable technology such as eye glasses, rings, or watches that have the capability to record, live stream, or interact with wireless technology; cell phones; laptops; tablets; and ipods. However, a principal/designee may grant permission for the use of these devices to assist with instruction and teachers are encouraged to integrate the devices into their coursework. Unauthorized use or improper storage of a device will result in confiscation until such time as it may be released. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.
Olweus Definition of Bullying: “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.”
Bullying can by physical, verbal, social, or digital. If your student is being bullied or knows of someone being bullied they need to report what is happening to the teacher or staff supervising them as quickly as possible. Incidences of bullying will be reported to school administrators or school counselors. If the investigation determines that any of the above has occurred, the administration shall take reasonable, timely, and effective corrective action.
Backpack Food Program
Backpack food programs provide non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food to children to ensure they get enough food on weekends to avoid hunger when they can't depend on school meals. If your student has a need for weekend food items, please visit this webpage and complete the form, or have your child speak with Ginger Lund, our school librarian.
Breakfast will begin at 7:15. Students arriving on campus prior to 7:40 who wish to eat breakfast must report directly to the cafeteria. Following breakfast, report to your designated areas (6th – Auxiliary Gym, 7th/8th – Main Gym). If you leave breakfast after 7:40, report to your homeroom teacher immediately. Any car rider who arrives after 7:40 will not be permitted to go to breakfast. Late buses, those arriving after 7:40, will be permitted to eat breakfast.
Regular Breakfast Price - $1.25 Reduced Breakfast Price - $0.30
Students are expected to eat in the school cafeteria. If a student brings his/her lunch from home, he/she will eat in their assigned area in the cafeteria. Delivering food to students during lunch time is discouraged.
Regular Lunch Price - $2.50 Reduced Lunch Price - $0.40
Food Charge Information
MySchoolBucks: Pay for meals, check balances, and view purchases from your computer or smartphone. Visit to create an account.
Free and Reduced lunch forms will go home and are to be filled out at the beginning of the year. Or you may apply online by visiting
In the middle and high schools, up to five days of lunch may be charged.
No a la carte items, such as cookies or ice cream, may be charged at any time.
No a la carte items can be purchased until the student has paid off the meal charges on their account.
When five (5) charges have been made, the cafeteria manager will contact the parent by phone or letter to request payment.
Alternative meals will be provided to students with excess charges. No child will be denied a meal.
In all schools, up to five days of breakfast may be charged.
Communication and Notifications
Keeping up with the latest school news and updates is important for students and parents to have a successful school experience! We have many ways for you to stay connected. Be sure to sign up for notifications through our NotifyMe and School Messenger services. Our school and district office each have Facebook pages that we also share information through.
Confidential Reporting
The SafeTN phone app is a secure, open door communications platform where you can send in tips and access useful resources to help keep your school and community safe. Visit here to learn more.
Contacting a Teacher
Good communication is key for a successful school year. There may be a time when a parent or guardian needs to reach out to a teacher or staff member with a question or concern. Visit our Staff Directory and click on the letter icon to fill out a contact form for your student's teacher.
CCMS Athletics
Athletics programs are a great way to become involved with your school community! Check out our CCMS Athletics webpage to find out more about tryout dates, necessary forms, and game schedules. Even if you are not on a team, come on out and support your friends during a game!
Incliment Weather
Info coming soon!
Lockers and Combination Locks
Middle school offers many new experiences that you may not have had before. Lockers are a fun addition to your school experience. Combination locks are great because there is no key to lose. However for first-time users, they may feel a bit confusing at first. Check out this helpful video for directions and this cool animation video describing how a combination lock works!
Here how our locker policy is laid out in our student handbook:
All lockers are subject to search. Lockers should be kept neat and free from accumulated trash. Posters and/or signage are not permitted on the outside of lockers. Lockers are the property of Coffee County Middle School and may be checked periodically by teachers and/or administration. Failure to maintain the locker properly will result in the loss of locker privileges. Backpacks, large bags, purses, large coats, and other personal items are to be left in the locker during the school day with the exception of during related arts classes. All personal items should have the student’s name on it. Lockers are not to be changed or shared unless given permission by teachers and/or administration. Students must use the school provided lock on their locker. Any lock that has been lost or damaged will require the student to pay a fine of $5 to replace the lock.